Elmo vs Rocco
Well I said this would happen and it did. Everyone got too attached a little annoying. Elmo and his enemy Rocco blew up over the past week. Twitter, as Twitter always is in situations where a trend started on TikTok, fell behind and lacked creativity. All the humor was simply self referential without building it out. Elmo will be in our meme cannon on Twitter for a while but I don’t know that he’ll add anything. There’s no phrase that stuck around or image that really stuck with us. It’s our first major meme of the year and they can’t all be winners. However, on TikTok, Elmo is kind of dying down. Instead of beating the same dead horse, they found new sounds and the meme got a kind of second wind. The creativity kept going rather than the twitter jokes which just seemed to be, Can you believe Elmo was shady and can you believe I know about it? We’re over that attitude on TikTok and the meme is better for it. Twitter, we all know you can do better so try again next time. TikTok, I want to see where this goes, continue.
Kramer What’s Going On In There?
Seinfeld is the new Sopranos. We needed a new show not entirely for its intended demographic. We need a new canvas to paint with. More characters to add to the canon. It’s always been there in the background but we’re in a Renaissance. This is only the beginning. This meme is good because it’s so divorced from the source material and requires a little editing skills. The barrier for entry, however low, means our best minds are on it. I like this meme and I hope it’s not our apex.
I love a good word game. But here’s the thing, we’ve gotten the initial PR boom. Everyone has written their articles and gotten to be the friend that introduces it to someone else. We’ve experienced the agony of getting it in two and the ecstasy of not getting it at all. I too was shocked to learn that you actually don’t have to post your score every day. After this first wave, It’s time to stop posting. UNLESS you get it in one guess OR you get it in three or less for the first time ever. I only want to see it when it’s impressive. This is a good rule of thumb for most things. Consider your audience, and consider if this is something that they will find interesting or impressive or worth talking about. Usually the answer is a resounding No.
Can You Explain This Gap On Your Resume
I love this meme. As someone with several gaps on my resume that are embarrassing and hard to explain, I love to feel less alone in the world. It’s a cold dark road out there for the unemployed. It’s nice to feel a little less alone in this crazy fucked up world of trying to get hired. Jokes help to ease the pain, as well as publicly complaining about Indeed Microsoft Office tests and other everyday humiliations that the we must endure.
You Look So Dumb Right Now
The Girls are doing it again. I’m happy for you all pretending to be dumb to get one over on your boyfriend. Do you ever get tired? Do you ever get bored? It’s the same joke over and over again and the only people who think it’s funny are other girls with boyfriends. It stopped being clever in 2015.
Texting With The GTA Faces In Between
God..... another endless text conversation meme. I watched one of these once last week and have not made it through a single one since. Never worth it. Not a single one. Often a punch line never comes and you’ve wasted upwards of two and half minutes. The GTA guy adds nothing especially when the face is repeated. By all means, tell your story, give us the drama. We love messy TikTok but you have to get to your point eventually. We don’t need all this fanfare in the meantime. There’s a real lack of storytelling ability already on the app, we don’t need to add to the problem.
Umm Yeah
I try not to be only negative but, come on. We do elongated dreamy breathy yeah once every three months. No one ever really nails it and it’s never worth watching. You can’t be that desperate to make content.
Vanessa I’m A Material Girl
Five Nights at Freddy’s has permeated the general consciousness once again. Which means that Material Girl as well is taking on a new life. This is thanks to what I am guessing is the tumblr wlws (women loving women). The girls who’s dashboards were RoosterTeeth Minecraft Let’s Plays one post, and Jean Paul Gaultier Spring/Summer 2014 Look books the next. They have an iron grip on the internet and I am always fascinated to see where their brains takes us next. This is not the end of the FNAF sounds. We’re in for a subtle winter with maybe one or two more becoming mainstream. I look forward to what these kooky bisexuals will think of next. Keep em coming.